The Peacock
The peacock is a prototyping platform for add-ons with RGB LEDs, STM32F030 microcontroller, 32KByte EEPROM, and a pizeo buzzer:
and the back side:
Hardware features- STM32F030F4 ARM Cortex®-M0 CPU with 16KB of Flash memory, 4KB of SRAM connected to the I2C bus
- 32KB (256kbit) I2C EEPROM for data storage (address 0x51)
- 256 byte I2C EEPROM for Add-on ID descriptor
- 10 WS2812 RGB LEDs connected to GPIO1 pin
- Piezo buzzer connected to GPIO2 pin
- 9 x Blue LED controlled by the STM32 microprocessor
- Break out pins for 8 of the STM32 GPIO pins
- SOICbite programming interface
Schematic diagram#
Sample codeThe following code snippet configures the 10 RGB LEDs (neopixels) and cycles them through 4 different colors: red, green, blue, and purple.